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Are Coach Holidays Worth It? Here’s 9 Reasons Why They Are

If you have ever wondered ‘Are coach holidays worth it?’ then you might be interested in these 9 reasons why they are.

They are based on feedback I’ve received from guests on coach holidays. I’ve taken over 10,000 people on coach holidays all over the world.

Read on to see why they recommend coach holidays.

Are Coach Holidays Worth It?

Is a Coach Holiday a Good Idea?

A coach holiday can be a fantastic way to travel. A coach holiday can be great for sitting back and enjoying having some or all of the itinerary planned for you. Coach holidays are increasingly more active, personalised and adaptable enabling you to find an itinerary, pace and group that suits you perfectly.

are coach holidays worth it image showing trip itinerary and top of passport

Are Coach Holidays Worth It?

1. Coach Holidays Can Include Alot in Their Itineraries

If you have done your research and got all your relevant questions answered then you should have a very clear idea of what you are getting with a coach holiday.

You could argue that this applies to any holiday, especially all-inclusive for example.

Generally, though a coach holiday is going to include much more – local guides, included tours, optional tours, transfers between places if you are visiting different areas, meals, luggage handling and of course a Tour Director and driver.

You should know exactly where you are going to go, what you are going to see and what other things there are you might want to join.

This means all you need to do is to plan how you want to use your free time and of course, if you need any help with that your Tour Director will be able to help with suggestions and ideas.

The fact that there is a lot included is one of the main reasons guests tell me they choose a coach holiday.

Single travellers also tell me that being able to budget more easily is an important factor for them and one of the main reasons they choose a coach holiday.

are coach holidays worth it image showing a tour manager pointing something out to a tour group

Are Coach Holidays Worth It?

2. A Coach Holiday Generally Has a Tour Manager

A good Tour Manager (sometimes called Tour Director or Program Director) can make such a difference to your coach holiday experience.

They can help you with ideas of things to do in your free time, suggest tried and tested places to visit, to eat, to drink etc.

They can also help you include something particular on your tour, whether that be a special celebration, meeting up with people or going off to explore on your own.

A good Tour Manager is an often underutilised source of ideas and inspiration as some just view us as there for complaints.

Helping people personalise their holidays and giving them memorable experiences is one of the things I enjoy most about being a Tour Manager.

Tour Managers are a great way to personalise your coach holiday so that it reflects your interests and your pace.

It’s great to hear that Tour Managers really do make a difference to the holiday experience and many guests have told me that having an expert with them is one of the main reasons they choose a coach holiday, particularly for places they are visiting for the first time.

are coach holidays worth it image showing white coach with door open parked infront of hedge and trees behind

Are Coach Holidays Worth It?

3. The Itinerary is Planned

I regularly have guests turn up on a tour knowing roughly where they are going to but happy to sit back and go with the flow knowing that everything is planned for them.

They enjoy the fact that someone else has done all the work in researching the itinerary and program and they can just sit back and enjoy being told what time and where they need to be.

In my experience, these people are repeat travellers with a coach holiday company and as such they trust the holiday company to deliver a great experience.

Of course, they know the main highlights of where they are going to go and what they are going to see, which is why they have chosen that particular holiday.

I regularly have coach holiday guests tell me that they love just being told what time to turn up each day and then they just sit back and enjoy a great day either on a tour or travelling.

Are Coach Holidays Worth It?

4. The Holiday Includes Alot

Often a coach holiday will pack quite a bit in, whether that be included tours, optional tours, travelling between places, stops along the way and little extras that happen too.

It can often be difficult to match this pace and this amount of activity if you were planning your trip on your own (as a solo traveller myself I know that it is true).

The amount of planning required to cover the same amount of activity on your own holiday would be expensive and then, of course, someone would have to drive.

A coach holiday includes a great deal – for some people, they include too much, especially travellers who prefer a slower style of travel.

The great news is that there is now a great deal of choice when it comes to touring pace, with companies offering several choices in pace level. There are also lots of choices about the amount of free time and included activities meaning there will be a coach holiday to suit you!

Doing some thorough pre-holiday research will help you to choose a coach holiday that suits your style, pace and preferences perfectly. If you need some help with what areas to ask more about check out my 10 Things You Need to Know guide – it’s designed to arm you with the questions to ask to find your perfect trip.

are coach holidays worth it image showing a buffet with open trays at front and covered food at the back

Are Coach Holidays Worth It?

5. There is a Buffet of Experiences and Activities

A coach holiday needs to appeal to a wide range of people. As such there is often a wide variety of experiences included in the holiday program, either as included or optional tours, to get the most amount of people to take the holiday.

In general, a coach holiday will likely stay in several hotels, sometimes in different countries, it will include several included visits, there will be optional tours, some meals will be included and there will be a variety of guides. There may even be different forms of transport, different coaches and drivers.

It’s for this reason that I often describe a coach holiday as a buffet of experiences.

Like any buffet, there will be a dish that you enjoy which is why a coach holiday can also be a great way to find particular places that you want to go back to and explore further on your own.

Many guests tell me that one of the reasons they choose a coach holiday is that there are so many things included, and they can pick and choose to suit themselves, whether that be having more free time or taking more optional excursions. It’s all about making the holiday your own!

are coach holidays worth it image showing coach steering wheel with someones hand on it

Are Coach Holidays Worth It?

6. Someone Else Does The Driving

I am often told by coach holiday guests that one of the things they like most about a touring holiday is that someone else is doing the driving leaving them to sit back and relax.

As someone who loves driving myself, I know exactly what they mean. I have driven all over the place but if I travel as a passenger, even if it is a route I travel regularly, I always see so much more.

Passengers have also said they find driving in other countries stressful so having someone else drive makes it much easier.

Sometimes guests are just not as confident about driving in another country, sometimes they are not able to because of licence restrictions or health issues.

Whatever the reason being driven around is another reason many guests choose a coach holiday.

are coach holidays worth it image showing two wire haired dachshunds sitting on a piece of wood

Are Coach Holidays Worth It?

7. It’s A Great Way to Make New Friends

I can’t tell you how many times over the years I have had people travelling together who met on a coach holiday.

I regularly have people travelling with companions who first met as single travellers, couples who met while travelling and groups of people who met up on a previous coach holiday and now travel together too.

Coach holidays are a great way to meet like-minded people and make new friends, even if it is just for the duration of the coach holiday.

Many single guests tell me that they choose a coach holiday because they want to travel as a single traveller but they don’t necessarily want to be with a whole group of other single people. There are of course single-only departures and single-only coach holidays, but all the single travellers I have met have preferred to travel with a mix of singles and couples.

Are Coach Holidays Worth It?

8. There is Always Someone To Ask

For some travellers one of the reasons they choose a coach holiday is having someone there to help them – whether that be with ideas of things to do, or to help out if there is an issue.

As I mentioned above Tour Directors are underutilised in my view, often viewed more in the context of complaints and things going wrong.

A great Tour Director can help you with personalising your coach holiday experience, discovering things on your own and adapting the pace of the tour to suit you.

Tour Directors can help with discovering local flavours, finding nice places to eat and having local experiences.

They can also help with understanding more about the places you are visiting, and learning more about the local culture and history.

Think of your Tour Director as your roaming travel guide.

Of course, you cannot expect your Tour Director to know everything about absolutely everywhere but every good Tour Director will do their best to find an answer to questions and help you.

are coach holidays worth it image showing two hands a red heart on it

Are Coach Holidays Worth It?

9. There Is Someone to Help If Something Goes Wrong

Over 30 years I have seen all sorts of things happen on a tour, from husbands disappearing and leaving wives, to domestic abuse, people falling out and of course plenty of medical issues.

A good Tour Director can help you in the event of difficulty on a tour and I have often been told that having a friendly face when heading to a foreign hospital has been reassuring.

There are limitations as to what Tour Directors can do in some medical situations. This depends on the insurance company as much as anything.

As with any medical situation, they cannot speak on behalf of patients.

Guests tell me that just having someone familiar with how everything works can be calming and reassuring – especially when there can be a great deal of administration to sort things out.

Single travellers also tell me that this is one of the bigger factors in why they choose a coach holiday. Sometimes this can be because they are new to travelling on their own. This often happens after a bereavement and many guests I have met say having a Tour Manager there if they need help with anything is one of the main reasons that made them choose a coach holiday.

Are Coach Holidays Worth It? – Conclusion

  • There are lots of reasons to choose a coach holiday – not least because there are now many options available allowing you to find the right paced tour, with the right level of included activities and free time to suit you.
  • A coach holiday can be a great way to explore somewhere with a group of like-minded people who share a passion for travel too.
  • Some pre-trip research will help find the right coach holiday for you with the right level of free time and organised activities.

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